Find Your Farm

We have millions of archived negatives and hundreds of thousands of digital image files from all over the United States. If you would like to find out if we have an aerial image of your farm, home, or property, please fill out the form below. The more information that you can provide, the more likely we will be able to find a photo of your property. Items marked with an * are required for us to search our archives for your property.

    First Name*


    Mailing Address (May be different than the property you want us to search)

    Mailing Address*


    Property Information

    Research Address*




    To help us find your photo, please find your location on the map by typing in the property address in the search bar and selecting it from the dropdown menu. (NOTE: Do not hit the ENTER/RETURN key on your keyboard as this will submit your form.) You can also place a map marker and/or draw a line around your property by using the tools in the top right corner of the map.

    *Please include any descriptive information which may help us identify other photos of your property. Examples would include, the color of house siding and roof, style of home (i.e. Ranch, Cape Cod, Log, etc.), # of buildings on the property. Any grain bins or silos (quantity, colors, style - Harvestore, cement stave, etc./ capped or uncapped). Any other distinguishing features of the property such as satellite dishes, ponds, pools, windmills, flags, signs or vehicles.

    PLEASE NOTE: We MUST have a description of your property before we can begin a research request. Thank you!

    Previously purchased photos of this property(Any photos listed here will not be included in your gallery. If you wish to have them included please list them in the description stating so.)

    Please enter the code # here (located on the back of photo):

    Do you have a promo code?

    We respect the privacy of our customers. That is why we do not offer an online public gallery of all our images to view and purchase. We feel the best way to satisfy and protect our customers is for you to provide us with your information and we send you a private gallery to view your images. From there you will be able to purchase them online.